

李涛 教授

湖北师范大学 电气工程与自动化学院





2004.092007.12  华中科技大学控制科学与工程系博士

2007.122011.05  长江大学电子信息学院讲师

2007.122008.09  长江大学电子信息学院自动化系副主任

2008.102015.09  长江大学电子信息学院自动化系主任

2011.062017.09  长江大学电子信息学院副教授硕导

2014.072015.01  新加坡国立大学电子与计算机工程系访问学者

2017.102019.06  长江大学电子信息学院教授硕导

2017.022019.08  长江大学电子信息学院副院长

2019.072022.01  长江大学电子信息学院教授博导

2022.02—至  今 湖北师范大学电气工程与自动化学院教授硕导


1、基于多智能体网络的病毒传播多样性动力学行为分析与免疫算法,国家自然科学基金项目(61672112), 2017年(项目主持人)

2、有人参与的复杂多智能体网络的协同控制,国家自然科学基金项目(国家自然科学基金项目), 2018年(项目参与人)




6、地下污水净化处理方法的研究及处理装置的研制,湖北省教育厅项目(D20111302), 2011年(项目参与人)


1李涛、孙传友. 测控系统原理与设计(第四版,普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材),北京航空航天大学出版社,2020.08ISBN: 978-7-5124-3307-6

2Tao Li(李涛), Yuanmei Wang, Zhi-Hong Guan. Spreading dynamics of a SIQRS epidemic model on scale-free networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2014, 19(3): 686-692. (SCI源刊)

3Tao Li(李涛), Xiongding Liu, Jie Wu, Chen Wan, Zhi-Hong Guan, Yuanmei Wang. An epidemic spreading model on adaptive scale-free networks with feedback mechanism. Physic A, 2016, 450:649-656. (SCI源刊)

4李涛, 王圆妹, 关治洪, 张慧玲. 无标度网络上具有时滞的SIRS传播模型研究, 华中科技大学学报, 2013, 41(4):80-87.EI收录)

5Tao Li(李涛), Zhihong Guan, Xianyong Wu. Modeling and analyzing the spread of active worms based on P2P systems, Computers & Security, 2007, 26(3):213-218. (SCI源刊)

6Yu Kong, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者),Yuanmei Wang, Xinming Cheng, He Wang, Yangmei Lei. Dynamics analysis of an online gambling spreading model on scale-free networks. Advances in Difference Equations, 2021, 11: 1-17. (SCI源刊)

7Siwei Zhang, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Xinming Cheng, Jie Li, and Bingchuan Xue. Multi-group formation tracking control for second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems via adaptive neural networks, IEEE ACCESS, 2021, 9 : 168207-168215.  (SCI源刊)

8Bingchuan Xue,  Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Xinming Cheng, Siwei Zhang,  and Gaojun Shi. Spreading dynamics of SHIPR pyramid scheme model on scale-free networks, IEEE ACCESS, 2021, 9: 132064-132077. (SCI源刊)

9He Wang, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Xinming Cheng, Yu Kong, Yangmei Lei. Dynamics Analysis of a Betel Nut Addiction Spreading Model on Scale-Free Networks. Complexity, 2020, 2020: 1-12. (SCI源刊)

10Wenjin Liu, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Xinming Cheng, Hao Xu, Xiongding Liu. Spreading dynamics of a cyber violence model on scale-free networks. Physica A, 2019, 531(121752): 121752. (SCI源刊)

11Hao Xu, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Xiongding Liu, Wenjin Liu, Jing Dong. Spreading dynamics of an online social rumor model with psychological factors on scale-free networks. Physica A, 2019, 525: 234-246. (SCI源刊)

12Xiongding Liu, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Xinming Cheng, Wenjin Liu, Hao Xu. Spreading dynamics of a preferential information model with hesitation psychology on scale-free networks. Advances in Difference Equations, 2019, 2019(1): 279. (SCI源刊)

13Yangmei Lei, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Yuanmei Wang, Gang Ye, Shiping Sun, Zhenhua Xia. Spreading dynamics of a CPFB group booking preferential information model on scale-free networks. IEEE Access, 2019, 7:156287-156300. (SCI源刊)

14Xiongding Liu, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Hao Xu. Spreading dynamics of an online social information model on scale-free networks. Physica A, 2018, 514: 497-510. (SCI源刊)

15Xiongding Liu, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Mi Tian. Rumor spreading of a SEIR model in complex social networks with hesitating mechanism. Advances in Difference Equations, 2018, 391: 1-24. (SCI源刊)

16Wenjin Liu, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Xiongding Liu, Hao Xu. Spreading dynamics of a word-of-mouth model on scale-free networks. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 65563-65572.  (SCI源刊)

17Chen Wan, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Zhi-Hong Guan, Yuanmei Wang, Xiongding Liu. Spreading dynamics of an e-commerce preferential information model on scale-free networks. Physica A, 2017, 467: 192~200. (SCI源刊)

18Chen Wan, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Zhicheng Sun. Global stability of a SEIR rumor spreading model with demographics on scale-free networks. Advances in Difference Equations, 2017, 253: 1~15. (SCI源刊)

19Chen Wan, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者, Wu Zhang, Jing Dong. Dynamics of epidemic spreading model with drug-resistant variation on scale-free networks. Physica A, 2018, 493: 17-28. (SCI源刊)

20Xi-Sheng Zhan, Xin-xiang Sun, Tao Li(李涛,通信作者), Jie Wu, Xiao-Wei Jiang. Optimal performance of networked control systems with bandwidth and coding constraints. ISA Transactions, 2015, 59: 172-179. (SCI源刊)

21Zhen Hua Zhu, Zhi Hong Guan, Tao Li(李涛), Jie Chen, Xiao Wei Jiang. Controllability and observability of networked singular systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2019, 13(6): 763-771. (SCI源刊)

22Jingrui Hou, Ming Chi, Tao Li(李涛), Zhi-Hong Guan, Kai Luo, Ding-Xue Zhang. Spreading dynamics of SVFR online fraud information model on heterogeneous networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and ItsApplications, 2019, 534:0-UNSP 122026. (SCI源刊)

23Dandan Yue, Zhi-Hong Guan, Tao Li(李涛), Rui-Quan Liao, Feng Liu, Qiang Lai. Event-based cluster synchronization of coupled genetic regulatory networks, Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications,2017, 482: 649-665. (SCI源刊)

24Yonghong Wu, Zhi Hong Guan, Tao Li(李涛). Dissipative consensus problems for multi-agent networks via sliding mode control, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354(14)6282-6291. (SCI源刊)

25Zhi Hong Guan, Dandan Yue, Hu Bin, Tao Li(李涛), Liu Feng. Cluster synchronization of coupled genetic regulatory networks with delays via aperiodically adaptive intermittent control, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2017, 16(7)585-599. SCIE. (SCI源刊)

26Jie Chen, Zhi-Hong Guan, Tao Li(李涛), Ding-Xue Zhang, Ming-Feng Ge, Ding-Fu Zheng, Multiconsensus of fractional-order uncertain multi-agent systems, Neurocomputing, 2015.12, 168(30): 698-705. (SCI源刊)


1、孙士平,李锐,魏勇,李涛,叶刚气流纺纱机断纱重新接头控制装置. (专利号: ZL201210167724.6)


1、叶刚,李涛,孙士平,杨友平,邹必昌固体电介质极化去极化电流测量装置. (专利号: ZL201820855565.1)

2、万晨,李涛,刘文瑾,侯景瑞,徐浩,柳雄顶,董晶一种共享单车的多功能脚架锁. (专利号: ZL201721541648.5)


1李涛基于复杂网络环境设计的政务信息公示平台. (登记号: 2016SR079802)

2李涛基于短信通信与邮件提醒的投票系统. (登记号: 2016SR079808)



2、湖北师范大学 “第三届教职工中华经典诵读比赛”三等奖,2022.10

3、中国物理学会和中国科学院物理研究所 “《物理学报》2020年度优秀审稿人”, 2021.12


5、长江大学“优秀党员”, 2021.06



8、长江大学“优秀党员”, 2019.06

9、长江大学“师德先进个人”, 2019.06

10、长江大学“优秀研究生导师”, 2018.12



13、长江大学“十二五”长大科研百人, 2016.04

14、湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导老师,湖北省人民政府学位委员会,湖北省教育厅, 2015.12

15、湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导老师,湖北省人民政府学位委员会,湖北省教育厅, 2014.12.





20、长江大学“优秀党员”, 2011.06.
